About Us
We are a passionate Australian family who love spending time outdoors but don’t like getting sun burnt. CapHat was born on the Far West Coast of South Australia on a stinking hot Summer’s Day in 2004. I had a hat, but I was still getting sun burnt, so I made the first model from duct tape and paper towel. My wife has had a Skin Cancer removed from her nose, so as a family we understand the importance of skin cancer prevention through protection. In November 2014, we decided to have a go and launch CapHat. We are humbled to see the support that we’ve received so far, receiving a “Seal of Approval” from the Melanoma International Foundation, Australian Fishing Trade Association “Best Clothing Accessory 2015” and a nomination for the 2016 Edison Awards in NY where we were awarded Bronze in the ATHLETICS, SPORTS & RECREATION-Sports & Travel category. In June 2016 we aired on Channel Ten’s Shark Tank series. Fast forward to October 2020, and with the release of more products, we received notification of our US patent – followed by AU in Jan 2021. Our CapHat journey still continues and I’d love to see pictures or hear stories of where CapHat takes you, we’re on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter #caphat4hat Have fun !! Bernie
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CapHat™ voted ‘Best Clothing Accessory, 2015’ by Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA)
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